Saturday, February 18, 2006

Working as a Grip and Lamp Operator

I'm currently working as a Grip and Lamp Operator on Decoys: Rebirth here in Edmonton for I.A.T.S.E. Local 210. The crew is great to work with and I look forward to continuing the shoot next week. It's been fast, furious, and physically demanding but there's nothing like being on set.

Even though I have hopes of directing a feature someday, I want to understand all the roles and responsibilities, and working as a Grip and Lamp Op is part of that journey. I'm learning a tremendous amount despite my background in video production, which is similar. However, feature films are produced on a larger scale and I think I'm adapting well.

Thanks to Stephan, Scott, Dwayne, Terry, Ed, Zac, Rob, Daryl, and the rest of the crew/cast for offering guidance and support!

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