Thursday, February 09, 2006

Alberta: Stunt-double for Wyoming

The Globe and Mail talks about an increase in Alberta tourists thanks to Brokeback Mountain:
"The thing we're up against is the Wyoming factor," says Derek Coke-Kerr, managing director of Travel Alberta, "Millions of people will see the movie and believe it was filmed in Wyoming."

Now, Alberta is busy trying to tell media and potential visitors in key markets -- Germany, Britain, Australia and South Korea -- that it is Alberta that is so beautifully framed in the movie.

"Alberta is doing stunt-double for Wyoming," Coke-Kerr says.
The article also comments on increased Alberta film production:
Normally, each year, the commission issues about 100 location packages, which can include hundreds of digital images and information on places that work with the scripts.

(A hefty locations package was successfully used to woo Brad Pitt's western outlaw picture The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, which was filmed around Alberta last year.)

But in the past few months, Alberta's film office has issued 63 location packages, which also highlight the province's filming incentives and built-in infrastructure of equipment and experienced crews.

Still, the Oscar nomination for cinematography in Brokeback will provide the biggest boost for Alberta's film industry.

"In many respects, that's where we get noticed," Chugg says. "But I'd love to have an Oscar for best location. Hey, there's an idea. Maybe we should go after that."
Full article at the link above.

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