Thursday, January 19, 2006

OhmyNews International Alberta Film Interview

Todd Kipp, a Calgary filmmaker and writer, recently interviewed me for OhmyNews International, an online Korean news publication. In the article, Todd and myself discuss the Alberta film industry:
Ideally located where the prairies roll into the foothills and rise into the Rocky Mountains, a wide range of rugged settings provide breathtaking backdrops.

"From extraterrestrial looks of Northern Alberta's oil sands projects, to arid, prehistoric Badlands of Drumheller, to fast-paced metropolitan life of Edmonton and Calgary, to the epic, chilling mountain ranges of Banff and Kananaskis, and the amber waves of grain in central Alberta, all locations are within a few hours of each other," said Kerychuk. "If a film production requires snow for one scene and blistering heat for another, Alberta can provide that, sometimes even offering both at once and with or without the help of Mother Nature."
You can read the full article at this link.

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