Thursday, January 12, 2006

Edmonton Journal Interviews Serenity Star

Scott McKeen, with the Edmonton Journal, recently interviewed Edmonton-born Nathan Fillion, about Serenity, the feature film based on Joss Whedon's Firefly series:
"Critics loved it," says Fillion. "The worst we did was in Entertainment Weekly. And they gave us a B-plus."

I confess to Fillion I felt a few butterflies before interviewing him. Strange, what Hollywood hype does to us. Fillion, because he's been in a movie, is thereby granted the status of Really Cool Guy.

"I'm glad to hear that because the truth is I'm a dork," says Fillion. "I collected comics. I still love cartoons. I'd rather be at home on a Friday night than out at some club.

"My sense of humour is that of a geek. My likes and dislikes are that of a geek. I've memorized every crappy sci-fi movie there is, but still haven't seen Schindler's List."
Full article at this link.

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